Stainless Steel Rebars – Types and Properties


    Nowadays, the use of stainless steel in the construction sector is increasing day by day. And why not? Stainless steel is the most economically viable and corrosion-resistant reinforcing steel alternative in service environments. Once a structure is constructed with stainless steel reinforcement, the need for repairs throughout the life cycle of the project will reduce significantly. That’s why even if at first, it may seem that stainless steel rebars would be an expensive option, they prove to be much more economical in the longer run. But what are stainless steel rebars and how are they beneficial? Also known as stainless steel reinforcement bars, stainless steel rebars are bars with low carbon steel alloy content. They contain at least 12% of chromium and 8 to 12% nickel. This makes them extremely durable and resistant to corrosion.

    Types Of Stainless Steels Rebars

    There are 4 types of stainless steels:

    • Martensitic Stainless Steel
    • Ferritic Stainless Steel
    • Austenitic Stainless Steel
    • Duplex or Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel

    Out of these only Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steels are used to produce reinforcement bars.

    Austenitic Stainless Steel Rebar

    Austenitic steel is very high on nickel (around 7%). Due to this reason, the alloy is extremely weldable and malleable and has excellent corrosion resistance. It also has a high amount of chromium and 2% to 3% of molybdenum addition. This further strengthens its corrosion resistibility in harsh environments, especially against chlorides. The Nitrogen content provides tensile strength and a higher yield.Austenitic steel is mostly used for industrial pipings and architectural projects as reinforcement bars due to their high ductility, nonmagnetic nature, and large scale of service temperature. It is classified into various grades in different countries according to the proportion of elements present in it.

    Duplex Stainless Or Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel Rebar

    An amazing combination of ferritic and austenitic steels, duplex stainless steels are stronger than both the types and is extensively used in the underwater oil industry. This is due to its high corrosion resistance capabilities that allow it to withstand extremely corrosive saltwater for extended periods.Rebar is a primary application for this steel. The blend of Austenitic and Ferritic stainless steels has provided an exceptional element of strength and corrosion resistance which has made it suitable for various rebar applications like bridge decks, barrier and retaining walls, anchoring systems and dowels, chemical plant infrastructure, coastal piers and wharves, bridge parapets, sidewalks and bridge pilings.Duplex Stainless Steel has lower nickel content as compared to Austenitic steels which makes them less expensive. This steel is also classified into different grades.

    Properties Of Stainless Steel Rebars

    Stainless steel rebars have been rigorously tested through various parameters to see how they are superior to other rebars. They have ranked considerably ahead as a substantial pack of alloys differentiates them from other ineffective and fragile rebar offerings.

    1. High Strength Steel

    Stainless steel contains 10% more chromium than other alloying elements. Chromium is the key substance that increases its hardness and tensile strength. It also contains nickel that provides similar benefits but without compromising on ductility and toughness.Duplex steel bars are stronger than austenitic steel bars.

    2. Corrosion Resistance

    Stainless steel rebars have a high concentration of chromium which forms a layer of oxide that prevents corrosion. This property helps it to withstand the destructive forces of chloride from road salts, seawater, and even concrete itself.Austenitic stainless steel is best in corrosion resistance since it contains at least 16% chromium.

    3. Ductility

    The ductility of stainless steel rebar comes from its nickel content. With excellent ductility and corrosion resistance, these rebar products are perfect to use in earthquake zones, cold applications, bridges, etc.

    4. Magnetic Response

    The high content of nickel in stainless steel bars eliminate their magnetic response. Normal carbon steel has high magnetic permeability and thus cannot be used in all applications. Here, stainless steel rebars come to the rescue!

    5. Fire Resistance

    Stainless steel bars perform better at high temperatures as compared to other carbon steel bars. They show better fire resistance due to their high strength retention factor at elevated temperatures (above 500°C).

    6. Cryogenic Resistance

    Stainless Steel Bars can handle a wider range of temperatures. The tensile strength and toughness of austenitic steel remain intact even in sub-zero temperatures which widen their scope of application in various fields.
    Are you looking for Stainless Steel Rebar or related steel products for your construction project? At Sunflag Steel, we manufacture highly durable and high-quality Stainless Steel Rebars that will last for years to come!

    Indian Steel Industry after COVID-19

    The COVID-19 crisis has led to worldwide closures and losses. Every industry found itself to be a victim of one of those consequences and steel was no different. However, phased lockdown relaxations around the world have assisted in restarting the industry and help with losses as Indian steel makers are now able to sell back in the domestic market and not rely heavily on exports.


    Massive steel plants were one of the few places of work that continued operations through the lockdown stages with minimum capacity, as they were considered a part of essential businesses. As rules are gradually relaxing in both India and the rest of the world, steel plants in some states of India have resumed functions at full capacity. However, profits might be affected as structural changes take place around the globe. With every country (including India) focusing on local production over international trade and shift in political powers, it might still be difficult to expand internationally and achieve pre-COVID profit margins with buyers worldwide. Due to the local economy facing challenges, steel makers (like other businesses) are trying to accelerate functions in the Indian domestic market to boost the economy – an approach that is likely to continue post-COVID.


    The steel business thrives heavily on other industries like machinery, mechanics and automative for stronger profits. Owing to the pandemic, these manufacturers have also taken a strong hit. Automative industry was took a tough beating by COVID-19 due to low incomes, job losses and general downfall in movement (that rose because of restrictions and work from home norms).

    That said, conditions are uncertain for anyone to predict. A cure for COVID-19 or a rise in continual removal of restrictions, will likely lead to employees returning to their workplaces at larger capacities. This, in turn, would mean people using their private cars again and this time preferring them over public transport due to health risks. A behavioural change like that could allow automative industries to grow globally including in India which would have a directly positive impact on steel trade – both domestically and globally.

    While everyone is trying their hands at observing and analysing trends, it is safe to say that initial days of recovery have begun and there is potential for the steel business to rise again at home ground.

    Steel is the future of Sustainable Construction

    Steel is the future of Sustainable Construction

    With climate change accelerating, every industry is trying their best to pace themselves and move towards sustainable procedures. Constructions are rising rapidly around the world which makes it all the more important to consider sustainable materials and processes along the way. These decisions need to fall in line with building robust structures that sustain themselves in the long run. Steel checks all the boxes of being a secure raw material and a greener alternative.


    Steel is one of the few materials on earth that can’t just be ‘upcycled’ once but ‘multicycled’ over and over again. This eminent element does not lose its quality overtime with use making it suitable for multiple usage. Likewise, it is significantly used in industries that support sustainability – including energy-efficient infrastructure, low-carbon transport services amongst others. Luckily for most builders and the earth, steel is not just recyclable but also reusable. Leftovers as well as previously used steel materials can be reused for bridge constructions, wall structures, residential building elements, etc. Unlike non-renewable resources that get spent quickly in the construction business, steel is available in abundance on earth – making it a sensible choice over other materials for a better future.


    One of steel’s terrific qualities lies in its durability. This structural component is easily stronger than most items used in this business. The sheer strength of steel helps in building durable structures that last long and are less susceptible to damages and demolitions. This, in turn, helps in reducing wastage through the process leaving more land spaces, longer product-life cycles and healthier air for people and businesses.Adding on to this, steel is not prone to any moisture or humidity damage making it a significant contributor in any property. Due to this very trait, structures created out of steel are less likely to cause health and well-being risks – something that most organisations and contractors pay detailed attention to. It also allows for creating better foundations and anatomies for high-rise complexes.


    Reduced carbon emissions is not just the need of the hour but also a quality that most industries and trades are trying to embed in their systems. Steel production is one of the few industries that has achieved this by reducing overall emissions as well as greenhouse gases. Coming from a carbon-hungry background, steel manufacturers and traders have recently learned to reduce their carbon footprint by making a number of changes including better management systems, superior filtration systems and alternatives to blast furnace systems amongst other things. Using newer technologies like these to reduce carbon emissions may also lead to other benefits. If used correctly, some up and coming machineries and their mechanics may help in cutting down the effect and pollution of other harmful gases that are released during steel production and making.


    We at Sunflag Steel understand and believe in the importance of a greener future. This constantly drives us to become a steel provider that helps our clients and our environment alike. Our mission lies in achieving “sustainable growth and return on investment” for our clients through continually boosting our technologies and improving our human resources. Sunflag Steel uses state-of-the-art equipments in research and developmental labs to consistently assist in all production facilities – which leads us in going about our business in an environmentally efficient manner without leaving a notable carbon footprint.

    Product Sustainability – Life Cycle of Steel

    With the world we are heading towards, in terms of global warming and environmental concerns, it is high time that we start thinking of more sustainable options in our everyday life. We have reached a stage where there is a dire need for sustainability to better our tomorrow.

    As we make a shift from the products that we use on a daily basis, based on how sustainable they are, steel plays an important role. Steel is one of most heavily recycled materials in the world and it can be recycled almost indefinitely without losing any of its properties. Here is the life cycle of steel to understand how it works as a sustainable metal.

    • Responsibly getting raw materials. The first step in the production of steel is getting hold of the raw material in a manner that is sustainable and responsible, therefore causing the least amount of damage to the environment.
    • The second step is the efficient production of steel. The next important step within the life cycle of steel is to actually produce the steel from the raw materials, effectively and efficiently. There are two different ways through which this product can be done. Other through iron-ore based production in blast furnaces, or scrap-based production. It is within the space of iron-ore based productions that companies have the opportunity to improve and be more environmentally effective. Technology in the iron-ore based production of steel needs to be constantly improved to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.
    • The next step in the production of steel is obviously the use of the same. Steel is a commonly used metal and is extremely strong. It has multiple uses, a lot of which we are aware of the everyday products that we use. These range from the body of cars to the utensils in our household. It is crucial here that energy-efficient methods are used during the manufacture of steel-based products.
    • Once the steel has been used, there is the recirculation of residual steep production. Wherever possible, residuals from steel making are recirculated, in a manner wherein they substitute virgin raw materials. Most of the dust created in the process of making steel is reused for the same process. This leads to a decrease in the amount of waste being produced.
    • Finally, the final products which were made, once they run their course, can be recycled multiple times, without loss of original properties.

    Difference between Steel bar and steel rebar

    Difference between Steel bar and steel rebar

    Steel has been a crucial part of the construction industry for a very long time. It is not surprising considering how versatile steel is as a metal and in strength. It can be used to make different types of products. Along with this, with the increasing amount of pressure that exists on creating products that are more sustainable, given the situation of environmental decay, steel becomes all the more prominent. Steel is a sustainable metal because there are ways to produce it efficiently, with a minimum amount of damage to the environment.

    Along with this, steel also has the ability to be recycled indefinitely without it losing out on the properties of steel. For these reasons, steel has been an important player within the construction industry. However, these days reinforced steel or rebar has been gaining an increasing amount of popularity. The increasing cost of steel is one of the reasons for this shift away from one of the most popular metals in constructions. The modern infrastructure and community that has been created, no longer requires steel as much. The reliance on metals such as steel, aluminum and iron has reduced. Steel rebar has come a long way from when it was first designed and now, it has become an increasingly popular choice within a lot of industries.Reinforced steel or steel rebar is better than steel in a lot of ways.

    Given the additional elements in it, there is a lot it can do and withstand, which is better compared to steel. For instance, it is non-corrosive. Steel rebar, unlike steel, can last up to a hundred years without losing its molecular integrity. It has the ability to withstand chemical attacks and moisture, which don’t have any impact on it. This is an important distinction to draw when compared to since moisture easily reacts with steel to cause rust.Reinforced steel is also lighter than regular steel.

    This is especially important these days since light-weight and more efficient products are what dominate the market. Steel rebar is 1/4th the weight of regular steel, which helps because it eases contractors’ abilities to deliver their projects on time. Because of its light weight, workers can transport the product more easily and engineers are able to install it much more easily than they would with regular steel.Compared to a lot of other metals and also regular steel, reinforced steel has higher flexural strength. This implies that the maximum bending strength that reinforced steel has is higher than regular steel. This obviously makes it the more preferable option when it comes to making a choice between steel rebar and regular steel. Further, its rebar steel is non-conductive and thermally insulating.

    It also, along with this has improved tensile strength, all of it which makes it a lot more ideal for working with concrete as opposed to using regular steel.Making use of reinforced steel as compared to regular steel also means lower costs for all projects. They reduce the cost of the workforce, decrease installation charges and reduce the need for maintenance (and therefore the amount spent on it). Reinforced steel also has the ability to outlive regular steel, which makes it a much better option in long term projects. Reinforced steel is also a lot more transparent to radio waves and other emission when compared to regular steel. In today’s day and age especially, this is a pertinent factor to consider when making a choice of buildings. All work spaces require buildings which can have easy transmissions and therefore better connectivity. This therefore, also makes reinforced steel a more ideal choice for such office buildings, when compared to regular steel.

    It also has a much higher threshold of bearing high impacts. This makes it extremely helpful when unloading material. This is because damage to the reinforced steel is much lower than damage to regular steel, even when the same kind of load is being shared by both metals.Reinforces steel also has a climate wise advantage over regular steel. Reinforced steel is much more durable and reliable in harsher climates. In fact, it works as a good option for varying climate spaces, unlike regular steel which has a lower threshold to harsher climate. At Sunflag Steel, we provide you with the best quality products that are durable and sturdy in the long run.

    Top Varieties of Steel


    Steel is made with a blend of iron and carbon. There are 3500 grades of steel, each having different physical, chemical, and environmental properties that are determined by the content of carbon, impurities, and alloys in them.The carbon content in steel can vary from 0.1% to 1.5% but the most commonly used steel grades usually have 0.1% -0.25% carbon. Other elements that are included in all kinds of steels are manganese, phosphorus, and sulfur. While manganese renders beneficial effects, phosphorus and sulfur are very essential to make the steel strong and durable. Based on their chemical composition, different grades of steel can be broadly categorized into 4 categories.


    Carbon steel comprises a large chunk of steel production i.e. almost 90 percent! It is characterized by a dull and matte appearance and can corrode very easily. Apart from carbon, other elements that are included in it are manganese, copper, and silicon. Carbon steel is further divided into 3 sub-categories:

    • Low Carbon Steel – contains less than 0.3 % of carbon. It is the most common type of carbon steel.
    • Medium Carbon Steel – contains 0.6% carbon and manganese. It is much stronger than low carbon steel.
    • High Carbon Steel – contains more than 0.6% (up to 1.5%) of carbon. This is the strongest of the three but hard to work with.


    Alloy steel is a mixture of several elements, for example – manganese, silicon, nickel, titanium, copper, chromium, and aluminum. These components are included in different proportions in the steel to control its properties such as hardenability, corrosion resistance, strength, formability, weldability, or ductility. This steel is relatively cheaper and is extensively used in mechanical applications, auto parts, generators, pipelines, etc.


    Stainless steel is most renowned for its corrosion-resistant property (200 times more resistant than mild steel). It is also extremely strong and has the ability to withstand very high temperatures.Due to these excellent characteristics, this shiny alloy is used in a plethora of applications such as making appliances, equipment, and utensils. Generally, stainless steel contains 10 to 20% chromium as the key alloying element with a low amount of carbon.With more than 100 grades, this category of steel is the most versatile of all and can be easily customized as per your particular requirements. According to their crystalline structure, stainless steels are divided into the following groups:

    • Austenitic – The composition of austenitic steels is usually 18% chromium, 8% nickel, and less than 0.8% carbon. It does not possess any magnetic properties and is not heat-treatable. Austenitic steel is a huge part of the global steel industry and is used in various applications, including the manufacture of kitchen equipment and machinery.
    • Ferritic – Ferritic steels are comparatively easier to work with. While they cannot be hardened by using heat treatment, their strength can be increased with the help of cold working. They are mainly composed of small amounts of nickel, 12 to 17 % of chromium, around 0.1% of carbon, and other alloying components like molybdenum, aluminum, or titanium.
    • Martensitic – Containing about 11 to 17% chromium, less than 0.4% nickel, and 1.2 % carbon, martensitic steels are magnetic in nature and can be heat-treated. They are typically used in making knives, cutting tools, and medical equipment.


    As the name suggests, this carbon alloy steel is well-suited to make cutting and drilling tools. The key properties of this material include hardness, wear resistance, toughness, and resistance to softening at elevated temperatures.Tool steels are mainly made up of carbide-forming elements like tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium in varying proportions. They also consist of cobalt and nickel that enhance their heat-resistant property and strength. Moreover, they are typically heat-treated to increase the hardness and used for stamping, shearing, and forming of plastics.Connect with us at Sunflag Steel to procure the best quality of steel for your requirements. Our experts will be happy to help you select the right products that are durable and last for a lifetime!

    What are the Properties of Spring Steel?

    Spring steel is the most popular material used to manufacture different kinds of springs. It is usually characterized by a unique property known as high yield strength which refers to a material’s ability to tolerate considerable bending or twisting and return to its original shape without distorting. Hence, any product built from this material can withstand a high amount of continuous compression, bending, and twisting without losing its original form. This spectacular property of spring steel comes from its specific composition and hardening process of the steel alloy.With a medium to high carbon content, spring steels usually consist of 0.5 to 1.0 percent of carbon. Other alloys that are added to the mix are magnesium, chrome, vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, and silicon with silicon being a major ingredient in providing high yield strength. This steel is flexible enough that it can be easily bent up to its elastic limit and return to the original position without being deformed once the pressure or load is removed.Apart from a high yield strength, spring steels also feature great tensile strength and fatigue strength and have the capacity to be formed, shaped, and post heat treated. These properties make this steel appropriate for a number of industrial applications. The tensile strength is obtained by the final heat treatment.


    Due to its excellent set of characteristics, spring steel is also known as general use steel. It is mainly used to produce high-quality saw blades, lock picks, antennas, and scrapers. In a hardened and tempered condition, spring steel works exceptionally well in the production of flat springs that are very difficult to form. For small springs, steel is often supplied to spring manufacturers in a form that either does not require any kind of heat treatment or needs just a low temperature anneal to relieve forming strains. Even for helical and flat springs, steel is supplied in an annealed condition. Regular carbon steel is a good option to make small springs, whereas, for large springs, it is imperative to use alloy steels like chrome-vanadium or silicon-manganese steel to get a uniform structure throughout the cross-section. If the surface of the springs has any sort of decarburization or irregularities, the fatigue strength will be negatively affected. Thus, manufacturers must ensure that the surface of the springs is perfectly smooth for optimum efficiency and performance. Sunflag Steel is a leading spring steel manufacturer in India that has introduced a large number of quality products that are durable and sturdy and perfect to be used in several demanding situations.

    Why Steel is Used in Construction?

    Why Steel is Used in Construction_

    Steel is a popular construction material, often used along with concrete to create sustainable and cost-effective buildings. It is a versatile, impressive, and long-lasting material, with a high strength-weight ratio. Along with this, steel can be used as an alternative to other unsuitable building materials to make the building more durable. .

    Steel is used for a myriad projects,  which include construction of bridges, buildings, modern skyscraper architectures and even in airports and residential properties. Other than these, steel plays a pivotal role in our daily lives for its usage in household appliances, furniture, vehicles or even in construction tools.

    Now, let’s look at some of the advantages of steel in construction and how they can be incorporated into the design of a building to overcome specific issues.


    1. Strength, beauty, design freedom- Steel offers complete freedom to designers. It’s strength, endurance, beauty and malleability allow architects to develop and explore new ideas and products. It has the ability to bend to a certain radius and curves to build factory-finished products with exact specifications.
    2. Faster, Efficient, Resourceful- Steel can be assembled quickly and efficiently in all seasons. It reduces 20%-40% of construction time as it takes lesser time in moulding into the desired shape.
    3. Earthquake resistance- Earthquakes are unpredictable in terms of magnitude, frequency, and location. Steel, however, is a material of choice as it is inherently ductile and flexible. It can handle extreme loads rather than breaking and crumbling as it’s beam-to-column connection are designed principally to support gravity loads.
    4. Environment Friendly- Steel structures are significantly lighter than concrete structures and require less extensive foundations as they reduce environmental stress. They are  easier to move around, reduce transportation cost and save a lot of fuel.
    5. Energy Efficient- Steel is energy efficient, as it radiates heat very quickly from steel roofs, creating a more relaxed and cooler home environment in hot climate areas. During the cold season, double steel panel walls can help in insulation to hold the heat indoors.
    6. Recyclable- Steel frames can be easily reused and circulated into the steel industry’s close looped recycling system. In this process, it is melted down and repurposed to save the material from getting wasted.
    7. Fire Resistant- Steel frames are created, keeping in mind the fire protection requirements.  It’s a non-combustible material that preserves structural design in the event of a fire.
    8. Fewer columns, more open space- Steel sections provide an elegant, cost-effective method to create large open-plan and column-free internal spaces. In single-storey buildings, rolled beams offer exact spans of over 50 metres. Trussed or lattice construction can extend this to 150 metres. Thus, by minimizing the number of columns, it makes it easier to subdivide and customize spaces.

    Steel Fabrication and its general application

    Steel Fabrication and its general application

    Steel fabrication is a process that is used to develop various components and products that we use in our  day-to-day life. It’s a process of transforming raw steel into a product or an item that can be used in construction projects. This process involves taking raw materials and shaping them to the  required form.

    In this method, the raw materials are melted down and processed into finished steel product before being created into shapes. The steel fabrication process requires highly-skilled workers with experience in transforming raw components into marketable items.

    The use of steel fabrication depends on the end-use of the product being fabricated. However, steel fabrication falls into three main categories-

    1. Commercial Fabrication: This fabrication process develops commercial products that are used by consumers. Appliances and cars, steel parts are the best examples of commercial fabrication.
    2. Industrial Fabrication: Industrial fabrication designs pieces that are used in developing other equipment. Bandsaws and ironworking machines are the best examples of industrial fabrication.
    3. Structural Fabrication: Structural fabrication refers to metalworking which is used as a part of the building process. Usually, structural fabricated steels are used in shops, manufacturers, buildings and skyscrapers.


    Corrosion resistance, strength and durability are some of the principal characteristics of steel. The primary methods of fabricating steel include cutting, folding, welding, machining, shearing, punching, stamping and casting. Here is a brief overview of how each of these processes work:

    • Cutting- It is the most commonly used steel fabrication process that involves splitting the metal sheet into halves, thirds or smaller sections. Mostly, the sheets or bars are being cut and recreated into other desired shapes. They are cut using lasers and plasma torches that make the end product a more elaborate and high-tech piece.
    • Folding- Folding is one of the most complicated processes that involve the manipulation of steel into shapes of a certain angle. In this process, the metal surfaces are being folded at a 90-degree angle or other degrees to make the product more or less blunt.
    • Welding- This process involves the joining of two separate metal parts. The parts used in this process include sheet, panels, bars or any other shaped steel. They are joined together through numerous methods and machines that result in finished usable products.
    • Machining- Machining is a process of removing portions from a piece of metal. The process is usually performed on a lathe, which rotates the metal against tools that trim the corners and edges to cut the piece to the desired shape.
    • Punching- Punching is the process of forming a hole in a metal piece, where metal is placed under a die and punched through by a drill. In most cases, the holes are drilled into a panel of metal to fasten the latches or other foreign parts. In other applications — also known as blanking — the area with the hole is precisely extracted from the larger panel to form a bit smaller part.
    • Shearing- Shearing is a steel fabricating process that is used to cut straight lines on the flat steel sheet. During this process, a top blade and a bottom blade are driven past each other with the little space between them. Usually, one of the blades remains fixed. Steel shearing can be performed on a sheet, strip, bar, plate, and even angle metal stock.
    • Stamping- It is a fabrication process used to transform flat steel sheets into particular shapes. It is a complicated process that can incorporate several metal forming techniques like blanking, punching, bending and piercing.

      Stamping is similar to carving. A primary example of metal stamping is seen on coins, where words, currency, amounts etc. are stamped on each side of it.
    • Casting- Casting is a process in which hot liquid metal is poured into a mould that holds a hollow cut out of the desired shape. The liquid metal is then left to solidify, which is removed from the mould, revealing the end product, or the “Casting Form.” As one of the most flexible methods of metal fabrication, casting is ideal for a wide range of complex shape-making. The most common examples are jewellery, sculptures, weapons etc.

    From paperclips to plane parts, steel is used to create a wide variety of products. It comes in several distinct grades and holds unique chemical compositions. At Sunflag Steel, we provide you with the best quality steel that is durable and sturdy in the long run.

    Concrete Rebar Reinforcement – When is it necessary

    Concrete Rebar Reinforcement – When is it necessary

    By adding rebar reinforcement to the concrete surface, you can easily make the surface much more robust and resistant to cracks. Concrete surfaces that often carry heavy trucks or machinery do not need concrete rebar reinforcement; however, they are required to withstand tension forces.

    With the help of rebar reinforcement, the tensile strength of concrete can be increased. Since the concrete is fragile in tension but strong in compression, this process can increase the tensile strength while helping it resist cracking and breaking. With greater tensile strength, concrete becomes resistant to breakage even after putting pressure on it. Rebar helps prevent cracks from growing wider primarily by preventing cracked slabs from moving apart.

    Concrete is a solid and durable material that performs exceptionally well during compressive forces, such as heavy vehicle concrete drive-through or road. But even if it is self-sufficient when it comes to strength, with the rebarring process, it becomes even more robust and weight-resistant. Concrete also sometimes needs support against expansion and contraction forces that occur naturally with changes in temperature. Underneath a beautiful-looking concrete surface, you’ll always find a well-engineered rebar structure that gives the concrete slab, wall, or even curb a beautiful structure and much-needed strength and stability.


    Rebar is also known as Reinforcing bar, Reinforcing Steel, etc. In this process, a group of steel bars or a mesh of steel wires is formed to create tension in reinforced concrete and masonry structures. Through this process, the rebar helps build strength and compression by holding the material in a compressed state.

    The bars are made of multiple hot-rolled steel materials. Most are made of new steel billets, but the materials are often derived from steel debris or sometimes old railroad tracks. You can find the engraved symbols that indicate where it was produced. You can also find the yield strength on the surface, with can be around 60-75, or metric 420 or 520.


    Not all construction projects require concrete rebar reinforcement; however, if you use the rebar reinforcement, it will immensely change the strength of the area. There will be comparatively fewer cracks that appear on the concrete over time. As mentioned earlier, the concrete surface requires to uphold large vehicles, non-stop traffics, which is why they need rebar reinforcement. On the other hand, if your driveway is only expected to uphold the family minivan or a few cars, you might not need rebar reinforcement.

    You can also try other options for your household facility, like welded wire mesh made into galvanized panels. They are a perfect solution for residential driveways that are not used daily or driven on by heavy trucks.

    We’ll be more than happy to assist you in finding the best material for your usage. Connect with us anytime if you have questions regarding concrete rebar reinforcement or anything else.